Did you know?

While photographing food, you never should use a flash. Since camera-mounted flashes are pretty much off-limits for food photographers, pouring in light front-on will flatten your dish and dispel any delicate natural shadows that were present beforehand. Unless you have access to specialist studio lighting equipment, your best choice is to use constant light or the best option ever is to use natural daylight. Interesting, right? Let's deepen your photography skills with the upcoming workshops down below.

Artwork "Into Professional Food Art"

The title says it all, this is the course to get started in professional food art. Students gave this class very popular ratings because it’s full of amazing, easy to learn information. This course will make your clients eager to pick your photos over basic stock art sites. The class is full of helpful techniques on how to use the equipment you already own, which will save you money. This food art course is perfect for those looking to start a new career in the industry. It is designed to arm you with the technical skills and industry knowledge you need to succeed.

  • Cost: $110

  • Difficulty: Amateur to Pro

  • Location: Shiso 

  • Date: On Friday, June 16th 

  • Time: From 2pm till 4:30pm 

Take part in workshops

Fill in details, and we'll get in touch with you to book your place at the workshop.

For inquiries call at: 1-347-404-3613

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